Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
1STALERT.ZIP | Yes | 139104 | 6/19/1995 | 1st Alert 1.0 allows you to test a credit card account number against its checksum value. Fun digitized sound effects are played when a number is accepted or rejected. Requires VBRUN300. (Al Meadows) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $11) |
ALARM222.ZIP | Yes | 162395 | 6/14/1995 | Alarm (ST) 2.22 is an advanced desktop reminder system. Alarms can be set for a specific date, for specific days of the week, and for certain repetition intervals. An adjustable snooze bar is provided for each message. Messages can have up to six lines of free-form text. (Stefan Tucker) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
AM_CR20.ZIP | Yes | 157146 | 6/23/1995 | Calendar/Reminder for Windows 2.0 helps you keep track of birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other special occasions. Features include automatic event reminders, a familiar calendar/notebook interface, and more. (Andrzej Brzezinski) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
CALQCK22.ZIP | Yes | 780270 | 6/15/1995 | Calendar Quick Scheduling Tool 2.20 is a calendar creation program with many advanced task management features. Four different types of tasks may be tracked, including specific projects with deadlines, anniversaries with recurring dates, and more. Other features include long-range planning for events up to one year in the future, workgroup management capabilities, and full Windows clipboard support. (Brian K. Holdsworth) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
CSTING.ZIP | Yes | 592308 | 5/30/1995 | Product Partner for Windows allows you to track and review vendor prices based on a user-defined time period. Features include menu costing, and the ability to compare product usage to product purchased based upon sales. This is excellent for controlling vendor prices in a volatile environment, and can really help control the bottom line. (Walter Elbers) (Reg.Fee: $195) |
DARNW40.ZIP | Yes | 462921 | 6/7/1995 | DARN! Don't Forget! 4.00 is an automatic reminder system for Windows. It can pop up every day, to give you plenty of warning so you can purchase cards or presents, plan parties, or prepare for meetings. (Dan Veaner) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $30-$40) |
DEPREC8.ZIP | Yes | 58622 | 6/6/1995 | Deprec8 1.02 is an Excel macro application that generates depreciation schedules for tax and book purposes. (Ohio Star Software) (Reg.Fee: $10-$25) |
EDESK44U.ZIP | Yes | 545504 | 6/15/1995 | Executive Desk 4.4 is a comprehensive time management and organizational utility for WIN31. It incorporates an Address Book, To-Do Lists, Follow-Up Lists, and Phone List into a unique "Day View" for easily organizing your workload. Other features include the ability to run a DOS or Windows application with one mouse click, autodialer, multiple time zone clock, unit converter, high quality print-outs, and more. (Harold Gregg) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $50) |
EMPSCH.ZIP | Yes | 434988 | 5/30/1995 | Scheduling Partner for Windows helps schedule employee time and pre-determine labor costs. This is a powerful tool to assist in holding the line on labor costs. (Walter Elbers) (Reg.Fee: $95) |
EVENTS.ZIP | Yes | 642760 | 6/1/1995 | Events is an easy way to maintain a database of events or a set of milestones, and produce time-period bar charts. The time periods can be 24 months in monthly increments, six months in weekly increments, or one month in daily increments. (HAHN Software) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
EXCHANGE.ZIP | Yes | 211234 | 6/6/1995 | Exchange for Windows 2.11 is a currency converter for more than a dozen of the world's most commonly used currencies. Features include a fully adjustable exchange rate and a built-in calculator. Requires VBRUN300. (Shawn Kresal) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
FC22E.ZIP | Yes | 1352203 | 6/22/1995 | Full Contact - Gold Edition 2.2 is a customizable PIM for Windows. Features include agenda and address management, opportunity tracking, expense log, appointment ticklers, up to 64K of free-form notes per entry, DDE support, and much more. (Info Distribution Associated) (Reg.Fee: $59) |
FFBMGR.ZIP | Yes | 478590 | 6/6/1995 | Financial Freedom Billing Manager 3.10 is an accounts receivable and billing package designed for small businesses and self-employed individuals. (Michael D. Raustad) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
FW10.ZIP | Yes | 362299 | 6/6/1995 | FlexEasy for Windows 1.0 allows data analysis and "what-if" calculations to be done in a free style user-defined format. You start with a blank worksheet, then add cells, descriptive text variables, ranges, tables and graphs wherever desired. Calculations done in cells refer to variables, ranges, values in other cells or a location on the worksheet. (Edward Bale) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
GENER8.ZIP | Yes | 55849 | 6/7/1995 | Gener8.XLM 1.2 is a Microsoft Excel 4/5 macro that will generate fixed rate and variable rate loan schedules. It allows for variable interest rates and extra principal payments. (Ohio Star Software) (Reg.Fee: $10-$50) |
GFTCRT.ZIP | Yes | 424764 | 5/30/1995 | Gift Certificates for Windows lets you to prepare and track gift certificates on your computer. (Walter Elbers) (Reg.Fee: $45) |
HSEBIL.ZIP | Yes | 433590 | 5/31/1995 | Billing Partner for Windows helps track restaurant House Accounts. It creates customer statements for guest check charges. You can easily enter guest checks and payments with on-call customer inquiries. (Walter Elbers) (Reg.Fee: $95) |
INA184.ZIP | Yes | 177386 | 3/30/1995 | I'm No Accountant Workbooks for Excel 5.0 1.84 is a set of spreadsheet files for Excel 5.0 which perform single entry accounting with dialog based payments, income, and salary transactions. Transactions may be queried by account name or date range. Ledger posting is automatic. (Willis E. III Howard) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
LEXTR2_5.ZIP | Yes | 387594 | 5/31/1995 | Land Extractor for Windows 2.5 is a powerful tool for real estate appraisers and consultants. It allows you to find land value quickly from improved sales, and works with all type of properties. Features include excellent graph and printing options, comprehensive on-line help, an MDI interface with toolbar, and more. (Steven A. Plotkin) (Reg.Fee: $60) |
LIQHYD20.ZIP | Yes | 48528 | 6/14/1995 | Liquid Hydraulics 2.0 performs steady-state calculations for a single pressurized pipeline. It is capable of solving for flow rate, outside diameter (O.D.), and pressure at node 1 or pressure at node 2. This version terminates after two calculations. Requires VBRUN300. (Saga, Ltd.) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
MEDCLAIM.ZIP | Yes | 1050495 | 5/30/1995 | MedClaim for Windows 1.0 handles medical claims and payments quickly and efficiently. It tracks all payments, and can print a medical claim using the standard HCFP-1500 form as well as Blue Cross/Blue Shield forms. (Franklin Leibsly) (Reg.Fee: $49) |
NABDB.ZIP | Yes | 880713 | 6/19/1995 | NAB Deluxe Bible Demo 1.30 is a Bible search and study program containing the four Gospels of the Catholic New American Bible. It includes a text search, color maps, timeline, personal notes linked to the corresponding Scripture, tutorial, context-sensitive help, and study-aids with topical hypertext links to events, parables and miracles in the life of Christ. (Guy R Wagner) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $40) |
NETPAY10.ZIP | Yes | 1011754 | 6/20/1995 | NetPay Plus 1.0 is a powerful all-purpose payroll assistant for Windows. It allows you to easily prepare payroll checks, prepare periodic bonus or commission pay checks, calculate the gross pay amount needed to yield a specified after-tax pay amount, and much more. It also provides a convenient look up system for various state payroll tax rates and wage base limits, and regulatory agency addresses and telephone numbers for all 50 states, Washington DC, and Puerto Rico. (Symmetry Software Corporation) (Reg.Fee: $149+) |
PARTYPRT.ZIP | Yes | 722853 | 5/31/1995 | Party Partner for Windows is a banquet hall/catering package. It prints customer agreements, statements, and receipts and provides a complete audit trail of all charges made to parties. It also includes reports to aid in scheduling servers, bus boys, bartenders, etc. (Walter Elbers) (Reg.Fee: $495) |
PBOX.ZIP | Yes | 341803 | 6/14/1995 | Post Box 95.2 allows fast access to current First Class, and International postal rates, as well as special services such as Registered Mail, Priority Mail, Return Receipt, etc. (Richard Bierregaard) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
PSTAR110.ZIP | Yes | 434602 | 6/20/1995 | PlanStar 1.10 is a powerful resource scheduling system for Windows. It allows you to manage any resource (people, places, things, activities) in one integrated system. Features include complete hour and dollar control, resource utilization displays in event log and calendar views, and automatic warning of scheduling conflicts. Printing options include formatted schedules, calendars, and reports. Requires VBRUN300. (Doug Patrick) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $49-$69) |
RMD230A.ZIP | Yes | 183802 | 6/8/1995 | Windows Reminder (LED) 2.30a maintains a "to do" or task list of items that you want to be reminded of. This is suitable for both home and business use. (LED Software, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $40) |
TIMCLK.ZIP | Yes | 429729 | 6/1/1995 | Time Partner for Windows is an employee time clock. It features the ability to edit time and print time worked for a specified period of time (week, two weeks, bi-monthly, monthly, etc.). (Walter Elbers) (Reg.Fee: $45) |
TIMEMSTR.ZIP | Yes | 142061 | 6/8/1995 | Time Master 3.2 is a powerful time/task organizer for Windows. It allows you to quickly type in tasks and list them by priority, sound alarms when it is time to leave for a meeting, print out to-do lists, and much more. Requires VBRUN300. (Thomas Ens) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
TODO16.ZIP | Yes | 77079 | 6/21/1995 | TODO List 1.6 is an easy-to-use To-Do list for Windows. (Justin Mierta) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
TRAKW411.ZIP | Yes | 735002 | 6/15/1995 | POSi-Track for Windows 4.11 is an inventory/POS package for WIN31. It provides a wide range of inventory functions, as well as invoicing, order entry, purchase orders, and over 45 reports. Other features include support for Canadian GST and postal codes, serialized and non-serialized stock tracking, B-Tree style indexing for fast data access, network compatibility, and more. (Terry Swiers) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $159) |
TXTIME20.ZIP | Yes | 342186 | 6/7/1995 | TraxTime 2.0 is a personal punch clock for WIN31. Requires VBRUN300. (Spud City Software Co.) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
VARPMT.ZIP | Yes | 101130 | 6/1/1995 | DataMagic Variable-Payment Amortization Schedule and Graphs demonstrates a loan savings amortizer for Excel 5. It graphically displays the result of making any type of extra payments on loans or mortgages. (Richard Sittig) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
VIPCRD.ZIP | Yes | 427557 | 6/1/1995 | VIP Partner for Windows creates VIP cards and maintains VIP lists and fees. This is an excellent tool to help create better public relations with your best customers. (Walter Elbers) (Reg.Fee: $95) |
W3.ZIP | Yes | 2036868 | 6/22/1995 | Win, What, Where 3.0 is a powerful time and usage monitor for Windows 3.1. It will display when a program started and how long it ran, a list of activities by program name and window caption, and the location of the program and its associated files. Other features include detailed report generation, automatic history deletion after a user-specified time, daily summary information, and much more. Due to the large size of this file it is available on CD-ROM only. (Richard Eaton) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $37) |
ZCB31.ZIP | Yes | 435532 | 6/7/1995 | Zip Code Book for Windows 3.1 is a zip code lookup program for Windows. You simply enter a zip code to find the corresponding city, state and area code. You can also find a zip code by entering a city name and two-digit state abbreviation. Information can be easily copied to the clipboard and pasted into other applications. A database of over 70,000 zip codes and city/place names is provided. Requires VBRUN300. (Mark Comish) (Reg.Fee: $25) |